Train Bandit

Train Bandit

Train Bandit is an action-packed adventure game set on a high-speed train. Are you prepared to take part in this one-of-a-kind battle?

In this exhilarating game, you will take on the role of a daring robber and embark on an epic trip filled with obstacles, enemies, and high-stakes heists. Your job in Train Bandit is simple: help the small bandit survive as long as possible.

To move forward, tap and hold. To jump, swipe up. To fire your weapon, tap the revolver drum icon at the bottom of the screen. As you go through the game, you will be involved in deadly gunfights with sheriffs and police enforcement, providing a thrilling combat element to the action. Your quick reflexes and accuracy will be tested as you avoid gunfire, grab precious goods, and defeat local authorities. So prepare to board and begin on an adventure filled with excitement, peril, and amazing escapes.


How To Play

Right arrow key = move forward. Spacebar = shoot.

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