Strike Force Kitty 3: Last Stand

Strike Force Kitty 3: Last Stand

In Strike Force Kitty 3: Last Stand, repel demonic foxes from trying to take over your castle. You have to assemble your forces and prepare to take on the adversary. Your objective is to assault enemy waves in order to defeat them. Prove to them that they can't take over your castle!

Attempt to lead your army into combat against opponents who appear to be unstoppable. The worn-out and vanquished army of sneak foxes recruited formidable raccoon mercenaries to bolster their numbers. The gill bar that is visible on each character's head indicates how much strength each cat has left. Your character dies if the horizontal bar runs out of power.

Collect Costumes

Every kitten has the same lifespan and degree of harm. The only things that separate them are what they are carrying and how they are dressed. Attack your adversaries and seize these costumes from them. Different benefits are awarded by each costume, ranging from heightened defense to increased attack strength. The best perks are the chance to regenerate, the chance to double attack, and mass healing, among others. You can get fish crackers from your defeated foes in addition to costumes. The money you make can be used to enhance the features of your warrior or your castle.

How To Control

  • Use the mouse to defend the castle and launch attacks on adversaries.

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