


Welcome to RumDreams, a fantastic platform game! Are you prepared to steer a tiny green slime around a charming platform environment? Aid this slime in getting out of the maze it's stuck in!

In this game, gathering the three glowing energy balls strewn around each stage is your objective. At the same time, get past challenges that could put your life in jeopardy and cross the finish line without incident. You have to jump over them to accomplish this. To prevent sudden death, determine the appropriate moment to act. You must click the black button on the pedestal at the end of the walkway in order to finish the level and advance to the next one. The later levels get harder the longer you play. You'll face more challenges as a result of this, but I think you'll enjoy it.


You'll be moving into a world of breathtaking beauty and tranquility. Sunlight streaming in, mushrooms sprouting, green grass on the platforms. However, don't let such things deceive you. Upon closer inspection, you will notice:

  • Spikes in the grass
  • Moving spike walls
  • Strange bullet-shooting flying eyes.
  • Tiny black things that detonate upon contact, among other things.

How To Play

  • W = jump.
  • D = move right
  • A = move left
  • U = disable and enable sound.
  • X = restart

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