


In Pixelia, you have to acquire valuable money while jumping over a succession of obstacles. Along with an extraterrestrial, you'll explore a whole new nation in this game. Three distinct seasons and a mushroom forest await your defeat. Make it back to the finish line, unscathed by those lethal hazards. Do you really believe you've won?

There are a wide variety of obstacles in the game, and each one requires a different approach. To defeat flying monsters, you need to change the time so they don't follow your path. The spring-leaping platform is a great tool for reaching higher levels and acquiring coins.

You don't need to worry about time for this game. Before leaping from one platform to another, make sure you've calculated everything well. If you're moving too fast and collide with the barriers around you, you can lose. Now it's up to you to guide your avatar through the game's many obstacles! What lies ahead is a thrilling journey.

How To Play

  • Move with the arrow keys. Jump twice at once.

With our selection of exciting games, which includes McDonald's Collect Foods, you may explore an exciting new universe! Start having fun with these games now!

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