Kaiten Sushi

Kaiten Sushi

If you enjoy sushi and would like to try your hand at making it, you can play Kaiten Sushi, a game that replicates the fundamental operations of a conveyor belt sushi restaurant. In this game, you must prepare sushi, serve it to consumers within the allotted time, and ensure their satisfaction.

To prepare sushi, you must press the appropriate on-screen icon for each fish. The placement of the buttons corresponds to the color and form of the fish. If you see a red fish with a circle, for instance, you must press the red icon with a circle on it. If you press the incorrect button, you will waste time and disappoint the customer.

Sushi must be dragged to the conveyor belt and placed in front of the consumer who placed the order. The order is displayed above each consumer. If you serve sushi in the incorrect location or for too long, you will waste time and frustrate your customers. Remember that your objective is not only to dazzle your customers but also the sushi chef. Demonstrate the quality of your sushi by combining flavors harmoniously and presenting it in an eye-catching manner.

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