Dad Escape

Dad Escape

Do you enjoy games that require quick and exact thinking? If so, try Dad Escape right now! This is a fun escape game in which you play as a cheeky child attempting to outwit the father. Control the baby's movements to avoid all the tricky traps.

A youngster named Tom decided to flee from his father, causing him to get concerned and search for his son. Use the control keys to direct the character's actions. The boy should roam about the premises in order to avoid meeting his father. He will acquire various objects and delicacies along the journey, which will be dispersed about the property. You'll require problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and quick reflexes to get through each level. Dad is always watching you, so timing and tactics are critical. As you go through the game, the difficulties become more difficult, putting your ability to think and plan your escape to the test. Each level in this remarkable escape game has a maze-like pattern that will keep you enthralled for hours without allowing you to escape. With wonderful details and vibrant colors, the graphics enhance the immersive experience. Maze patterns that are well-designed increase intricacy, making each level feel like an epic battle of wits!

How To Play

Use the control keys

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