Alpine Ascent

Alpine Ascent

Alpine Ascent

Alpine Ascent is an enjoyable climbing game in which you must go between platforms in order to gather green currency. The game is easy to learn but a lot of fun, and it won't let you down. When you first launch the game, your stamina is represented as a green bar at the bottom of the screen. There is no way for you to jump or climb after this bar hits zero. Climbing on obsidian blocks is not possible when moving, while climbing on magma blocks rapidly uses up all of your endurance. Furthermore, you might have found some fast-running technologies. For instance, you won't need to use any stamina if you enter a jump as soon as you contact the wall. This tiny method will allow you to run without spending any cash. Strive to ascend the mountain without letting your endurance run out!


  • An on-screen timer in the game lets you keep track of how long you've been playing.
  • Even if you fail to get the green money, you can still succeed and finish the level.
  • You can't jump or cling to walls when your stamina bar runs out, so try to keep it full.
  • Spending the green coin or landing on the ground will restore your stamina.
  • To maximize your stamina, get more gold coins.

How To Play

  • X/V/M to jump (hold to jump higher)
  • Z/C/N to spend stamina coins

The World Of Platform Games

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